Some silly quotes of mine:
- Always put your trousers on when leaving home in the morning.
- Eat your cereals to see the bottom of the bowl.
Listen up: don't ever try to smoke THXTM.
- I don't like mornings when it's late.
- An apple a day blows the doctor away.
"Leave me alone!" does not neccessarily mean "Take your money with you."
Don't ask me why - you ought to know more!
Using MS WindowsTM is like driving backwards blindfolded.
- Wii will rock you!
Do not trust virus scanners. Rather drop MS WindowsTM.
MS Windows 7TM is way better then VistaTM - in burning your valuable CPU cycles.
I really like MS Windows 7TM - packaged up on a dvd and rottening in my attic.
MS WindowsTM will .LNK you to your closests friends foes, for sure.